WCAG Explained: Complete Guide for Your Accessibility Testing

Person using screen reader

Web accessibility often feels like one of those things that’s easy to overlook—until you realize just how crucial it is for creating an inclusive online environment. Imagine navigating a website without the ability to see, hear, or use a mouse. For many people, this is a daily challenge. That’s where web accessibility comes into play. It's all about ensuring that your digital content is usable by everyone, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities.

If you’re in the tech industry, you might have heard about WCAG—the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Think of WCAG as your roadmap for building an accessible web experience. Developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), these guidelines provide a set of standards designed to help developers, designers, and content creators make sure their websites and applications are accessible to all users. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, understanding and implementing WCAG can transform your digital presence from merely functional to genuinely inclusive.

In this guide, we'll dive into what WCAG is all about, break down its core principles, and walk you through how you can implement these guidelines to ensure your website is accessible to all users. So, let’s get started on this journey towards a more accessible web.

What is WCAG?

Person working on laptop and writing on notebook

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are a set of internationally recognized standards aimed at making web content more accessible to people with disabilities. The WCAG serves as a comprehensive guide for anyone involved in web development, design, or content creation. Its primary goal is to ensure that websites and digital applications are usable by everyone, regardless of their abilities.

A brief history of WCAG and its versions

WCAG has come a long way since its first release, and understanding its evolution is key to appreciating why these guidelines are so vital today.

WCAG 1.0 (1999) 

The journey began in 1999 with WCAG 1.0. Back then, the internet was still in its infancy, and so were accessibility practices. WCAG 1.0 laid the groundwork by focusing on basic accessibility needs—things like providing text alternatives for images and making sure all content could be accessed via a keyboard. It was a great start, but as the web evolved, so did the need for more robust guidelines.

WCAG 2.0 (2008) 

Almost a decade later, WCAG 2.0 arrived and brought with it a more comprehensive and flexible approach. This version introduced the four key principles of accessibility—Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust (often referred to as POUR). These principles helped standardize accessibility practices across different types of web content and technologies. One of the best parts? WCAG 2.0 was designed to be technology-neutral, meaning its guidelines could be applied regardless of whether you were working on a traditional website or the latest app.

WCAG 2.1 (2018) 

As mobile devices became ubiquitous, WCAG 2.1 was released to address the unique accessibility challenges that came with them. This version added new guidelines focused on mobile usability, such as ensuring content was accessible regardless of screen size, orientation, or touch input. It also introduced criteria to better support users with cognitive and learning disabilities, making web content more accessible for a broader range of users.

WCAG 2.2 (2023) 

WCAG 2.2 is the next step in this ongoing journey. While it builds on the foundations laid by 2.0 and 2.1, it introduces even more targeted improvements, such as enhancing focus indicators for better keyboard navigation and simplifying authentication processes to make them more accessible. These updates are particularly relevant as digital security becomes increasingly intertwined with usability.

WCAG 3.0 (In development) 

Looking further into the future, WCAG 3.0 promises to be a major leap forward. While it’s still in development, WCAG 3.0 is expected to offer a more flexible and customizable approach to accessibility, addressing a wider range of user needs and keeping pace with rapid technological advancements. Unlike its predecessors, WCAG 3.0 aims to be more user-centered and adaptable, ensuring that accessibility can evolve alongside the web. While the W3C has released a working draft of WCAG 3.0, the final version is still in development and an official release date has not been announced.

Key changes and improvements over time

As the web has evolved, so has WCAG. Each new version has brought key changes that reflect the changing landscape of technology and user needs. For example, WCAG 2.0 introduced a more structured and principle-driven approach to accessibility, making it easier for developers to implement and measure. WCAG 2.1 took this further by addressing the mobile-first world, while WCAG 2.2 refined and expanded on these guidelines to tackle modern challenges like secure, accessible authentication.

Looking ahead, WCAG 3.0 is shaping up to be a more comprehensive and flexible framework that will guide us into the next era of web accessibility. This evolution highlights the importance of staying updated with these guidelines—ensuring your website or application is not only compliant but truly accessible to all users, no matter how the digital landscape shifts.

Want to know more? Download our report on digital accessibility to learn more about the role of WCAG in the EAA and telecommunications industry. 

Core principles of WCAG

When it comes to web accessibility, WCAG is built around four core principles, often abbreviated as POUR—Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust. These principles are the foundation of making web content accessible to everyone, and they provide a structured approach that anyone in the tech industry can follow. Let’s break down each of these principles and see how they apply in real-world scenarios.


The first principle is about ensuring that users can perceive the information on your website. If someone can’t see or hear your content, they obviously can’t use it. So, WCAG under this principle focus on making sure that your content is presented in ways that all users can perceive.

Let’s say you have images on your website. For users who are visually impaired, those images might as well be invisible if there’s no alternative text (alt text) describing what’s in them. By providing alt text, you ensure that screen readers can convey the image’s information to those users. Another example is using captions for videos, which helps users who are deaf or hard of hearing understand the audio content.


This principle ensures that all users can navigate and interact with your website, regardless of how they access it. This means that your website should be functional using a keyboard alone, as some users might not be able to use a mouse.

Let’s say you have a form on your website. Ensuring that users can fill out that form using just their keyboard is crucial. This includes being able to tab through fields, use the spacebar or enter key to select options, and submit the form without needing a mouse. Another important aspect is providing clear, visible focus indicators, which help keyboard users know where they are on the page.


The principle is pretty straightforward—it’s about making sure that your content and the way it’s presented are easy to understand. This includes both the language you use and the functionality of your website.

If your website has complex forms or processes, providing clear instructions and using simple, consistent language can make a big difference. For instance, if you’re designing a checkout process for an e-commerce site, guiding the user step-by-step with clear labels and instructions reduces the chances of confusion. Additionally, avoid using jargon or overly technical language unless absolutely necessary—and if you do, make sure to explain it.


The last principle focuses on ensuring that your website works across different devices, browsers, and assistive technologies. As technology evolves, your content should remain accessible.

Consider a website that’s designed to work well on desktop browsers but falls apart when accessed on a mobile device or with a screen reader. Ensuring robustness means testing your website across various platforms and assistive tools to confirm that it remains usable. This might involve using semantic HTML, ensuring that ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) roles are correctly applied, and regularly updating your website to remain compatible with new technology.

WCAG success criteria and levels of compliance

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We can describe the WCAG guidelines as the actionable steps you can take to make your website accessible, while the success criteria are the measurable standards that help you determine how well you’re meeting these guidelines. These success criteria are divided into three levels of compliance: A, AA, and AAA, each representing a different degree of accessibility.

  • Level A (minimum accessibility). Level A is the basic level of accessibility. It addresses the most fundamental barriers to accessing web content. If a website doesn’t meet Level A, many users with disabilities will find it difficult or impossible to use. For example, one Level A criterion is ensuring that all non-text content has a text alternative (like alt text for images).
  • Level AA (intermediate accessibility). Level AA is where most organizations aim for compliance. It deals with the biggest and most common barriers for users with disabilities, without making the content unusable for anyone. An example of a Level AA criterion is ensuring that text and images of text have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 against their background, making sure that text is readable for users with moderately low vision.
  • Level AAA (highest level of accessibility). Level AAA is the highest and most rigorous level of accessibility. While it’s not always possible or required to meet every AAA criterion, achieving this level means your content is accessible to the maximum number of people. An example of a Level AAA criterion is ensuring that the reading level of your text is no higher than the lower secondary education level unless supplemental content or a summary is provided.

How to implement WCAG

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Implementing WCAG guidelines requires a combination of testing methods and an understanding of the common challenges you might face along the way. There are a couple of key approaches you can take: manual testing and automated tools. Using a combination of both will give you the best results. Let’s break it down.

Manual testing techniques

Manual testing is crucial because it allows you to experience your website the way a user with disabilities might. This hands-on approach helps you catch issues that automated tools might miss. Here are some manual testing techniques you can use to check whether you meet WCAG guidelines:

  • Check keyboard navigation. Start by unplugging your mouse and navigating your site using only the keyboard. Can you access all the features? Are the focus indicators clear and visible as you tab through links, buttons, and forms? If not, users who rely on keyboards for navigation may struggle to use your site.
  • Use screen readers. Use a screen reader like NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) or VoiceOver (built into macOS and iOS) to interact with your website. Does the screen reader convey all the necessary information? Are all images described with meaningful alt text and can you navigate forms effectively? This type of testing helps ensure that visually impaired users can understand and navigate your content.
  • Analyze color contrast. Manually checking color contrast involves looking at your text against its background and ensuring it’s readable. You can use tools like the WebAIM Color Contrast Checker to help, but sometimes just viewing your site in different lighting conditions or on different devices can reveal contrast issues that need addressing.

Automated accessibility tools and their limitations

Automated accessibility tools can save you a lot of time and help identify common issues quickly. Tools like Axe, Lighthouse, and WAVE are popular choices for running quick accessibility audits on your website. These tools can highlight missing alt text, poor color contrast, improper heading structure, and more.

However, automated tools aren’t perfect. They can’t interpret context, understand the intent behind your design choices, or assess the user experience from a holistic perspective. For example, while an automated tool might flag a missing alt attribute, it won’t tell you if the alt text you’ve provided is actually helpful or relevant. That’s where manual testing comes back into play.

Common challenges when implementing WCAG 

Implementing WCAG guidelines isn’t always smooth sailing, especially if you’re dealing with a complex site or retrofitting an existing site to be more accessible. Here are some common challenges you might encounter and tips on how to overcome them:

1. Retroactive accessibility

If you’re working on an existing website, making it WCAG-compliant can feel like an uphill battle. Legacy code, outdated design patterns, and content that was never designed with accessibility in mind can be major hurdles.

Start by prioritizing the most critical issues that affect user experience, like navigation and text readability. Use a phased approach—tackle the most significant barriers first and plan for continuous improvements over time rather than trying to fix everything at once.

2. Balancing design aesthetics with accessibility

Designers often worry that accessible designs will be less visually appealing. For example, high contrast text might not always align with a brand’s color palette.

Remember, accessibility doesn’t have to mean compromising on aesthetics. Work with your design team to find creative solutions that meet both design and accessibility goals. For instance, using color contrast effectively while maintaining brand identity, or incorporating accessibility features like focus indicators into your design aesthetic.

3. Keeping up with WCAG updates

As WCAG guidelines evolve, staying up to date can be a challenge, especially for larger teams or organizations with multiple digital products. Make accessibility a core part of your development and design processes from the start. By integrating accessibility checks into your workflow—whether through automated testing, design reviews, or user testing—you’ll be better prepared for updates and new guidelines. Also, consider assigning a team member or creating a task force dedicated to staying current with accessibility standards.

4. Understanding user needs

One of the biggest challenges is truly understanding the diverse needs of users with disabilities. What works for one group might not work for another, and sometimes these needs can even conflict. Engage with the accessibility community, seek feedback from users with disabilities, and consider running usability tests with real users. This direct feedback is invaluable and will guide you in making the best decisions for your website’s accessibility.

Tools for accessibility testing and WCAG compliance 

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the guidelines, it’s time to put your knowledge into action. Accessibility testing tools are essential for identifying issues and ensuring your website meets WCAG standards. Here are some of the most popular tools and software you can use:

  • Axe by Deque Systems is one of the most widely used accessibility testing tools in the industry. It’s available as a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox, making it easy to run quick audits on any web page. Axe provides detailed reports on accessibility issues and offers guidance on how to fix them.
  • WAVE developed by WebAIM, is another excellent browser extension that provides visual feedback about the accessibility of your web content. It highlights issues directly on the page and offers suggestions for improvement, making it a great tool for both developers and designers.
  • Lighthouse is built into Chrome’s DevTools and is a powerful tool for auditing not just accessibility but also performance, SEO, and more. It gives you a score for each category and provides actionable insights to improve your site. For accessibility, it checks for issues like color contrast, ARIA usage, and alt text.
  • NVDA is a free, open-source screen reader for Windows. It’s an invaluable tool for testing how your website performs for users who rely on screen readers. By navigating your site with NVDA, you can experience firsthand how accessible your content is to visually impaired users.
  • Color Contrast Analyzer helps you check the contrast ratio of your text and background colors to ensure they meet WCAG guidelines. This tool is easy to use and essential for ensuring your text is readable by all users.
  • Accessibility Insights for Web developed by Microsoft, offers both automated checks and guided manual assessments. It’s particularly useful for running comprehensive accessibility audits and is integrated with GitHub, making it a great option for teams working in a collaborative environment.

Future of web accessibility and WCAG

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As we look to the future, several emerging trends are poised to shape the landscape of web accessibility. Staying informed about these trends will not only help you maintain compliance with evolving standards but also position you to create better experiences for all users.

AI and machine learning 

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are starting to play a significant role in web accessibility. From AI-driven accessibility testing tools that can automatically detect issues to machine learning algorithms that personalize content delivery for users with disabilities, these technologies are helping to automate and enhance accessibility efforts. As AI becomes more integrated into web design and development, we can expect new guidelines to emerge that address the unique challenges and opportunities this technology presents.

Voice user interfaces (VUIs) 

With the rise of smart speakers and voice assistants, voice user interfaces are becoming more prevalent. This shift towards voice interaction requires a new set of accessibility considerations. Ensuring that VUIs are inclusive means designing for users with speech impairments, understanding diverse accents, and providing alternative input methods. As VUIs continue to grow, we may see future WCAG updates that address these specific challenges.

Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR)

Virtual and augmented reality technologies are opening up new possibilities for immersive experiences, but they also introduce new accessibility challenges. Designing accessible VR and AR experiences involves ensuring that these environments are navigable and understandable for users with disabilities. This could mean developing alternative navigation methods for users who cannot rely on typical hand gestures or visual cues. As these technologies evolve, accessibility standards will need to adapt accordingly.

Increased focus on cognitive accessibility 

While previous versions of WCAG have made strides in addressing the needs of users with physical and sensory disabilities, there’s growing recognition of the importance of cognitive accessibility. This includes making content easier to understand for users with cognitive disabilities, designing interfaces that reduce cognitive load, and providing clear, consistent navigation. The upcoming WCAG updates are expected to place more emphasis on these aspects, reflecting a broader understanding of what accessibility means.

The bottom line

WCAG guidelines are essential for creating accessible web experiences, ensuring that everyone, including those with disabilities, can navigate and enjoy your website. For tech professionals, adhering to these standards not only ensures you meet legal requirements but also improves user experience and broadens your reach.

Staying up to date with WCAG and embracing accessibility is key to a more inclusive digital world. We highly recommend exploring the WCAG guidelines for a comprehensive list of recommendations or schedule an accessibility consultation to further enhance your website’s accessibility. By implementing these practices and incorporating basic accessibility requirements into the design process, you’ll contribute to a more inclusive web experience for everyone.

Want to find out how accessible your website or application is? Contact us to learn more about our accessibility testing services and how we can help you comply with WCAG and other accessibility standards.

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