Test Automation: A Simple Introduction

QA engineer performing test automation on multiple devices

Software testing is essential to ensure applications work correctly. While manual testing is important, it is often not the most effective and efficient testing approach since it can be a tedious and mistake-prone process, especially as apps become more complex. This is where test automation comes into play. According to the State of Testing Report 2024, test automation has replaced over half of previously manual testing efforts. This goes to show that test automation is becoming an integral part of a successful software quality assurance strategy

There are many reasons why companies are choosing test automation over manual testing. Based on a report from Gartner, the most common reasons organizations choose test automation is to improve product quality (60%), increase deployment speed (58%), and alleviate workload for QA teams (29%). 

Automated testing is done using specialized tools to control the execution of tests and automatically verify the actual results against the expected results. By automating the testing process, teams can streamline efforts, boost product quality, and save valuable time and resources, despite the bigger upfront investment required for implementation. In the long run, however, test automation will yield huge savings in terms of resources required for software testing. 

When to use test automation? 

One of the biggest questions is when to invest upfront in automated testing and when to stick to manual testing. The short answer is, if you have frequent releases and you have a complex product with lots of features that requires hundreds and thousands of test cases to test them thoroughly, test automation is a must (to get the most out of each $ invested in QA). 

Another way to explain this is through a simple graph, representing resources needed to implement and maintain large test suites and test case coverage. If it's manual testing, then cost and test case coverage grow in arithmetic progression, but with test automation it's a geometric progression. But keep in mind, this applies only if you have frequent releases and require regression testing. If this is not the case, then it might be best to continue using manual testing or look into semi-automated testing

Graph showing the cost and test coverage of manual testing and test automation

Pros and cons of test automation

Like any technology, test automation comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, it can significantly boost efficiency and productivity, allowing teams to achieve better test coverage and accuracy while catching defects early on. This ultimately leads to reduced overall testing time and costs. However, it's not all rainbows and butterflies. Implementing test automation requires an upfront investment in tools and resources, which can be a barrier for some teams. 

Additionally, there's an ongoing maintenance overhead for those automated test scripts, which can be a headache if not managed properly. It's also important to note that test automation has its limitations when it comes to subjective aspects like user experience testing. And let's not forget the potential for false positives or negatives, which can throw a wrench into the works if you're not careful.

Pros of test automation

Faster feedback. Automated tests can run continuously 24/7, providing faster feedback to developers, enabling them to identify and fix issues promptly before they escalate.

Detecting bugs early. Test automation integrated into the development pipelines enables continuous testing throughout the software development lifecycle. With the help of test automation, engineering teams can quickly identify and address defects before ending up in production, saving time and resources that would otherwise be spent fixing issues later.

Improved accuracy. Automated testing eliminates human error risk, which is a common challenge in manual testing, ensuring consistent and reliable results across test cycles. Automated tests follow predefined scripts with precision, crucial for complex applications where deviations can have significant consequences.

Testing at scale. As applications grow, required test cases can become overwhelming. Automation allows executing vast test cases efficiently and consistently, enabling testing at scale. It is also valuable for regression testing, multi-platform/device validation, and comprehensive coverage.

Maximized ROI. While requiring upfront investment, test automation provides substantial long-term ROI. Automating repetitive tasks frees manual efforts for strategic activities. Early defect detection prevents costly issues in production, further maximizing ROI.

Cons of test automation

Upfront investment. Implementing test automation requires an upfront investment in tools, resources, and training, which can be a significant barrier for some teams, particularly those with tight resources.

Maintenance overheads. Automated testing scripts need to be continuously maintained and updated as the application undergoes changes/improvements. Failing to keep the scripts up to date can lead to false positives or negatives, undermining the effectiveness of test automation efforts.

Limited subjective testing. Test automation has its own limitations when it comes to testing subjective aspects of an application, such as user experience, usability or accessibility. These aspects often require human insight and judgment, which means it's either hard or even impossible to automate.

False positives/negatives. Despite best efforts, there is always a risk of false positives (tests failing when they should pass) or false negatives (tests passing when they should fail) in test automation. These can lead to missed defects or unnecessary investigations, wasting time and resources.

Skill gap. Implementing and maintaining test automation frameworks, like Selenium and Selenide, requires specialized skills and expertise, which may not be readily available within all teams. This can necessitate additional training or hiring extra resources.

Initial setup time. Setting up the test automation framework, writing the initial set of test scripts, and integrating the automation into the development pipeline can be a time-consuming process, potentially delaying the realization of the benefits of automation.

Getting started with test automation

Getting started with test automation usually means that you already have a manual testing process in place. Transitioning from manual to automated testing can be a game-changer for software teams, but it's essential to approach it strategically. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started with test automation and set yourself up for success:

  1. Define testing strategy and prioritize. Analyze your project's needs and requirements to determine which areas would benefit most from automation. Prioritize test cases based on factors such as complexity, business criticality, and frequency of execution. This targeted approach is key to developing a successful test automation strategy and ensures your automation efforts are focused on high-impact areas.
  2. Choose the right tools and frameworks. Research and evaluate different test automation tools and frameworks based on your application type (web, mobile, or desktop) and technology stack. Consider factors like programming language support, community support, ease of use, and integration capabilities. Choosing the right tools from the start ensures compatibility and streamlines the implementation process.
  3. Establish a solid automation framework. Develop a structured and scalable test automation framework that incorporates best practices. This includes designing a modular architecture, implementing patterns like Page Object Model, and ensuring proper test data management. A well-designed framework enhances maintainability and adaptability as your automation suite grows. Check out  CV_POM, an open-source framework that uses a page object model to pinpoint all recognized elements, including object names and coordinates.
  4. Train and upskill the team. Invest in training your team or utilize external support on the selected test automation tools, programming languages, and techniques. Encourage continuous learning and skill development to foster a culture of automation. A knowledgeable team can effectively implement, maintain, and expand your automation efforts.
  5. Start small and iterate. Begin your automation journey with a small, well-defined set of test cases or a specific module. As you gain experience and confidence, gradually expand your automation scope to cover more scenarios and functionalities. This iterative approach allows you to learn from successes and challenges, refine your processes, and continuously improve your test automation ecosystem. In other words, do it in Agile. 

You might be interested in: Agile Testing: Methodologies, Principles, and Benefits

  1. Integrate automation into the development lifecycle. Incorporate automated tests into your development pipeline, enabling continuous testing and early defect detection. Automate build and deployment processes, and configure automated test execution triggers (e.g., after code commits or builds). This integration ensures testing keeps pace with development iterations.
  2. Monitor, maintain, and optimize. Regularly monitor and maintain your automated test suite to ensure its reliability and effectiveness. Implement mechanisms for tracking test execution results, identifying flaky tests, and addressing script failures. Continuously optimize your automation framework, scripts, and processes for improved efficiency and coverage.

Essential tools and frameworks for test automation

The landscape of test automation tools and frameworks is vast, with options available for various application types and technologies. Here are some essential and most popular tools and frameworks to consider when implementing test automation. 

Web applications: 

  • Selenium (supports Java, C#, Python, and more)
  • Cypress (JavaScript-based) 
  • Puppeteer (Node.js)

Mobile applications: 

  • Appium (supports Java, Python, C#, Ruby)
  • Espresso (for Android), 
  • XCUITest (for iOS)

Desktop applications:

  • TestComplete
  • AutoIt
  • PyAutoGUI (Python-based)


  • Appium (supports Java, Python, C#, Ruby)
  • TestRay (Codeless - Yaml files)
  • TestUI (supports Java, Python)

API testing:

These tools and frameworks offer robust features, rich ecosystems, and active communities, making them popular choices for automating tests across different platforms and technologies.

The bottom line

Test automation is a powerful technique that can significantly improve the efficiency and quality of your software testing efforts. By automating repetitive tasks, increasing test coverage, and providing faster feedback, you can ensure your applications work as intended and deliver a better user experience to your customers. While there are challenges and considerations to keep in mind, the benefits of test automation often outweigh the initial investment, making it a valuable practice to adopt in modern software development.

Still hesitant about implementing test automation into your software testing efforts—or perhaps you need some expert advice on how to get started? Drop us a line and let’s discuss test automation.

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