Manual Testing: A Quick Introduction

Manual Testing: A Quick Introduction

So, you're thinking about dipping your toes into the world of software testing? Maybe you're a project manager wondering how to ensure your team catches those critical bugs before launch, or you've been overseeing app development and realized that the key to a great app isn’t just slick design, it’s making sure the app actually works. Welcome to our quick introduction to manual testing, where we’re going to break it down like you're a complete beginner (because, hey, we’ve all been there).

What the heck is manual testing?

Manual testing is exactly what it sounds like—testing software manually. Imagine you’re playing a video game, and your mission is to find all the glitches before the game goes live. But instead of coding or using fancy tools, you're doing it the old-fashioned way—by clicking through every possible option, trying to break the game. That’s manual testing in a nutshell.

It’s like being the detective in a mystery game, where your goal is to uncover flaws that could make the difference between a smooth user experience and a “why won’t this app work?!” meltdown. Instead of relying on automated scripts that follow a set path, you, the manual tester, click, scroll, type, and navigate through the software as a user would. It’s hands-on, sometimes tedious, but incredibly effective at catching things that an automated test might overlook.

Manual testing is all about the human touch. While automated testing is like setting up a bot to run through the game’s levels and find the issues, manual testing is you, the human player, personally checking out every nook and cranny. However, there are instances where test automation is more beneficial, so it’s important to compare manual testing and test automation before you choose the right approach for your project.

Why bother with manual testing?

Closeup of person typing on laptop

You might be thinking, “Can’t we just let software handle this?” Sure, automated testing is great for repetitive tasks and can speed things up like the Millennium Falcon in hyperdrive, but it’s not the be-all and end-all. Think of manual testing as the Gandalf of the testing world, standing on the bridge, shouting, “You shall not pass!” to any bugs that dare to slip through. Here’s why manual testing is still necessary and an important part of quality assurance:

Human intuition

A manual tester can foresee where bugs might pop up. They’ve got the instincts that machines lack, allowing them to spot issues in user experience, design, or anything that just feels off.

Exploratory testing

Ever stumbled upon a hidden level in Super Mario or a secret path in The Legend of Zelda? That’s what manual testers do during exploratory testing. Automated scripts are like GPS—they’ll get you where you need to go, but they won’t tell you about the cool shortcut that leads to hidden treasure. Manual testers have the freedom to veer off the beaten path, trying out unexpected user actions and uncovering bugs that scripts would never find.

Real-life scenarios

Manual testing excels at mimicking real-life scenarios, capturing the unpredictability of how different users interact with software. Think of it as running simulations in The Sims —you set up different user behaviors and see how the software reacts. You might discover that entering an unusual combination of inputs causes a glitch, or that a particular workflow is more confusing than it should be. Manual testing allows you to recreate the kinds of situations users will actually encounter, ensuring the software is ready for anything.

Understanding user experience

Manual testing is all about seeing the software through the eyes of the end-user. It’s not just about finding bugs—it’s about ensuring the software is enjoyable and intuitive to use. This is where manual testers shine, by focusing on the user experience. Whether it's the placement of a button, the flow of a process, or the overall feel of the app, manual testers are the guardians of user satisfaction. They ensure that when users interact with the software, it’s not just functional, but also smooth and frustration-free.

Flexibility and adaptability

Manual testing is also incredibly flexible. In rapidly changing environments, like during the final stages of development or when dealing with frequent updates, manual testing can adapt on the fly. Imagine you’re in the middle of a game, and the rules suddenly change. Automated tests might struggle, but a manual tester can quickly shift gears, test new scenarios, and ensure everything still works as expected. This adaptability makes manual testing essential in dynamic development cycles where things are constantly evolving.

The joy of discovery

Finally, there’s something uniquely satisfying about manual testing. It’s like being on a treasure hunt, where every bug you find is another piece of the puzzle. Whether you’re tracking down a stubborn issue or exploring the software for hidden surprises, manual testing offers the thrill of discovery. There’s nothing quite like the moment when you uncover a bug that no one else has found—it’s your victory, and it makes the software better for everyone.

Types of manual testing

Okay, you’re sold on the idea of manual testing. But what exactly does and can it cover? Here are the different types of manual testing:

Functional testing

Does the login page work? Can you buy that in-game item without the app crashing? Functional testing is your basic “does it work?” type of software testing.

Usability testing

Remember when Cyberpunk 2077 launched with a truckload of bugs? Usability testing could’ve saved some of that frustration by ensuring the game was, you know, actually playable.

Regression testing

Think of regression testing as testing the waters after every update. You want to make sure that new features haven’t broken the existing ones, like checking if the latest Fortnite update hasn’t messed up your favorite emote.

Exploratory testing

Exploratory testing is where you channel your inner Indiana Jones. Go off-script, explore uncharted territory, and see what happens. Maybe try to break things. It’s fun and can be surprisingly effective.

Compatibility testing

Think of your favorite game running on different consoles or computers. Compatibility testing ensures the software works seamlessly across various platforms and browsers.

While these are some of the most common types of manual testing, there are many more that you can perform based on the needs of your project, such as performance testing, security testing, accessibility testing, and audio and video quality testing. So, while this gives you a good starting point, it’s important to consider project requirements before choosing which types of tests to carry out.

Skills to look for in manual testers

Manual tester sitting at desk in office performing manual testing

The most important thing to consider when choosing manual testing for your project are the skills of the manual testers who will be planning and executing the tests. So, what qualities should you look for in manual testers? Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Attention to detail. Like a sniper in Call of Duty, manual testers need to be able to spot the tiniest issues from a mile away.
  • Critical thinking. A manual tester needs to have the puzzle-solving skills of Lara Croft to figure out where and why something went wrong.
  • Analytical skills. Like Sherlock Holmes, manual testers need to analyze test results and identify patterns to pinpoint the root cause of issues. It's about connecting the dots to crack the case.
  • Communication. Being able to clearly explain how they broke something is just as important as finding the bug itself. No one wants to read a bug report that’s as confusing as a Christopher Nolan movie.
  • Documentation skills. A part of a manual tester’s role is writing bug reports and test cases, so clear and concise writing is essential.
  • Patience. Sometimes, finding a bug is like waiting for your Animal Crossing crops to grow—slow and steady wins the race.
  • Teamwork. Quality assurance isn't a solo mission. Manual testers need to collaborate with developers, designers, and other testers.
  • Time management. Juggling multiple tests and deadlines is like managing an inventory in a survival game. You need to prioritize tasks and optimize your time effectively.

These are just a few of the essential skills you need to look for in a manual tester. While these skills provide a strong foundation, the world of QA is vast and ever-evolving. There's always more to learn when it comes to becoming a better software tester, from specific testing methodologies, like Agile testing, to industry-specific knowledge, like software testing for specific industries—communications, fintech, and healthcare. Remember, every tester brings a unique perspective, so it’s worth comparing inhouse and outsourced testing and choosing the best approach for you. 

The future of manual testing

Don't let anyone tell you manual testing is completely replaceable by test automation. Sure, technology’s always changing, but there’s something irreplaceable about a human tester’s ability to critically think and empathize with real users. Manual testing ensures that the software isn't just functional but also intuitive and user-friendly.

Software is more than just code. It's a tool people rely on. And people can be unpredictable—clicking the wrong buttons, making typos, or using software in ways that totally baffle designers. That's where manual testers come in.

So, whether you’re managing a fast-moving project or fine-tuning a complex application, manual testing is key to delivering software that truly works for real people. It’s about ensuring that the user experience is as smooth as intended. 

And that’s a wrap! Now go out there and start breaking things (in a good way).

Are you looking to introduce manual testing to your project, combine your manual testing efforts with test automation, or augment your testing team? Contact us to learn more about our QA services and what we can do for your project.

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