Compatibility Testing: Definition, Importance & Examples

QA engineer interacting with a variety of mobile devices

Today, the diversity of devices used to access software is unimaginable. According to Statista, as of 2024, there are over 4.4 billion smartphone users worldwide, while GlobalWebIndex reports that the average person owns 3.2 connected devices. From smartphones and tablets to laptops and desktops, users access applications through a multitude of platforms.

A few facts:

  • Mobile devices account for approximately 55% of global website traffic (Source: Statista, 2024)
  • There are over 24,000 distinct Android devices (Source: Android)
  • There are 3.3 Android apps on Google Play, and 2.2 million apps on the App Store (Business of Apps)
  • The average US household has access to more than 21 connected devices (Source: Deloitte, 2023)

This fragmentation creates a significant challenge: compatibility issues. With users expecting seamless experiences across all their devices, compatibility testing has become crucial. It's not just about functionality; it's about ensuring your app or website works smoothly and consistently, regardless of the device or platform.

A 2024 survey by Sauce Labs found that 40% of users are less likely to return to a website after a bad experience, highlighting the critical nature of compatibility. Let's break down why compatibility testing is such a big deal in today's multi-device world.

What is compatibility testing (definition)

Simply put, compatibility testing is a critical quality assurance process that evaluates how well a software application performs across various computing environments. It systematically verifies that an application functions correctly, consistently, and efficiently on different combinations of:

  • Hardware configurations
  • Operating systems
  • Network environments
  • Web browsers
  • Mobile devices
  • Database systems
  • Other software applications

The primary goal of compatibility testing is to ensure that the application provides a consistent user experience and maintains its functionality, regardless of the platform or environment in which it operates.

Importance of compatibility testing

Person holding and using mobile phone

We have seen that quite often, companies see compatibility testing as just a nice addition to their software testing processes, but not a necessary one. In reality, it should be way more than that. Compatibility issues can lead to bad user experiences, reviews, and even class-action lawsuits for incompatible applications. Here are the main reasons why compatibility should be on your list of priorities when it comes to releasing software products:

Expanding market reach 

By ensuring that an application works seamlessly across multiple platforms, your business can reach a broader user base. With more than 4.4 billion smartphone users worldwide that use a wide array of devices and operating systems, it’s essential to make sure your mobile, web, or desktop app works the same across all devices, operating systems, and browsers.

Enhancing user satisfaction

Users expect applications to work flawlessly on their preferred devices and platforms. Compatibility testing helps meet these expectations, leading to higher user satisfaction rates, increased user retention, and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

Reducing support costs 

Identifying and addressing compatibility issues early in the development cycle can significantly reduce post-release support costs. By minimizing the need for patches, updates, and customer support interventions, businesses can allocate resources more efficiently.

Maintaining brand reputation

Applications that perform consistently across different environments help build trust and enhance brand reputation. In contrast, compatibility issues can lead to negative reviews and damage a company's image in the market.

Gaining competitive advantage

In a saturated software market, offering a product that works seamlessly across multiple platforms can provide a significant edge over competitors. This versatility can be a key differentiator for potential customers making purchasing decisions.

Types of compatibility testing

There are many different types of compatibility testing. Most people think of compatibility testing as just making sure that software works on different mobile devices and web browsers. However, it's more than that. Here's a full list of compatibility testing types:

Web browser compatibility testing

Web browser compatibility testing is used for testing web applications and making sure they work smoothly across different browsers and their versions, such as:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple Safari
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Opera

Mobile device compatibility testing

Mobile device compatibility testing is used for testing mobile applications, checking functionality and user experience on:

  • Various smartphone and tablet models
  • Different screen sizes and resolutions
  • Touch interfaces and mobile-specific features

Hardware compatibility testing 

Hardware compatibility testing is performed on different computer configurations, including various:

  • Processors (e.g., Intel, AMD, Apple Silicon)
  • Memory capacities (e.g., 4GB, 8GB, 16GB RAM)
  • Graphics cards (e.g., NVIDIA, AMD, integrated graphics)
  • Storage types (e.g., HDD, SSD, NVMe)
  • Peripheral devices (e.g., printers, scanners, webcams)

Operating system compatibility testing

Operating system compatibility testing ensures the software runs smoothly on different OS platforms and their versions, such as:

  • Windows (e.g., Windows 10, Windows 11)
  • macOS (e.g., Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey)
  • Linux distributions (e.g., Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS)
  • Mobile operating systems (e.g., iOS, Android)

Network compatibility testing

Network compatibility testing involves verifying that the application performs well under various network scenarios, including:

  • Different connection speeds (e.g., 3G, 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi)
  • Various network protocols
  • Different firewall and security settings
  • High latency or packet loss situations

Database compatibility testing 

Database compatibility testing ensures that database-dependent applications are compatible with different database management systems, like:

  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB

Other software compatibility testing

Testing how the application interacts with other software that might be running at the same time, including:

  • Antivirus programs
  • Firewalls
  • Device drivers
  • Competing or complementary applications

The goal of compatibility testing is to ensure users have a consistent, hassle-free experience regardless of how they access your product. No one wants a bad user experience, right? 

Compatibility testing methodologies

Software tester testing mobile device while laptop is also open

When it comes to ensuring your software works across different platforms and environments, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Compatibility testing employs various methodologies, each with its own strengths and use cases. From hands-on manual testing to automated testing, virtual environments, and cloud-based solutions, these methods offer different ways to tackle the complex task of compatibility testing. 

Manual testing

Manual compatibility testing involves testers manually executing test cases on different platforms and environments. While time-consuming, this method can uncover subtle issues that automated tests might miss, particularly in terms of user experience.

Automated testing 

Automated compatibility testing could be a faster way to achieve the desired results, but it requires knowledge of test automation scripting languages and previous experience. This approach is particularly useful for regression testing and when dealing with a large number of test cases.

Example: A team might use Selenium WebDriver to automatically test a web application across different browsers, checking that login functionality works consistently on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

You might be interested in: Manual Testing vs Test Automation: A Practical Guide on When to Choose Each

Emulation and virtualization 

Emulators and virtual machines allow testers to simulate different environments without the need for physical hardware. While not a complete substitute for testing on real devices, this method can be cost-effective and efficient for initial testing phases.

Cloud-based testing 

Cloud-based testing services provide access to a wide range of devices and configurations, allowing teams to perform comprehensive compatibility testing without investing in extensive hardware resources.

Compatibility testing on real devices vs simulators/emulators

A variety of real mobile devices

When QA engineers are asked to perform compatibility testing, they can either do that on real devices or simulators/emulators. Each approach comes with its own set of strengths and weaknesses.

Testing on real devices



  • Cost. Acquiring and maintaining a diverse set of devices can be expensive.
  • Time-consuming. Setting up and managing multiple physical devices takes considerable time and effort.
  • Limited availability. It's impossible to have every device model and OS version on hand.

Testing on simulators/emulators


  • Cost-effective. Significantly cheaper than purchasing multiple physical devices.
  • Easily accessible. Can quickly spin up different device configurations and OS versions.
  • Simplified debugging. Often provides better tools for debugging and analyzing app behavior.


  • Limited accuracy. May not accurately replicate all aspects of real device behavior, especially hardware-specific features.
  • Performance discrepancies. May not accurately reflect real-world performance, particularly for graphics-intensive applications.
  • Sensor limitations. Difficult to test features that rely on device sensors (e.g., accelerometer, GPS) accurately.

The third option is to use a hybrid approach, however, this still requires access to real devices, and if you are looking for the best possible option in the market, real device testing is it. 

Luckily, here at TestDevLab, we have a fleet of more than 4,500 real devices gathered just for this purpose. Drop us a message and get your compatibility testing project up and running in no time. 

Real-world examples of compatibility testing

That’s enough talk about the theory of compatibility testing so far. It's time for some tips & tricks on where to begin when it comes to different app types. From e-commerce platforms to collaborative tools, here are a few real-world examples of compatibility testing.

E-commerce platform 

According to Statista Market Insights, more than 3.6 billion people worldwide use e-commerce solutions daily, so compatibility testing should definitely be a priority for such solutions. Here are some of the aspects you should focus on when testing e-commerce solutions. 

  • Ensuring website renders correctly on various browsers and devices
  • Verifying payment gateways function seamlessly across different operating systems
  • Checking that product images display properly on various screen sizes
  • Maintaining a consistent shopping cart experience across mobile and desktop platforms

Mobile fintech and banking applications 

 Fintech and banking apps are part of our everyday lives, so making sure they work seamlessly across all devices is essential. Here are the key areas you should pay attention to when testing fintech and banking solutions.

  • Functionality across different versions of iOS and Android
  • Security features on various device models and OS versions
  • Integration with different types of biometric authentication like fingerprint and face recognition
  • Performance under different network conditions

Collaborative workspace tools 

Teamwork makes the dream work, and collaborative tools help boost efficiency and get results faster, but (there's always a but) under one condition—only if every user can use the software without running into a poor customer experience. When testing collaborative and communication applications, you should look for:

  • Real-time editing functionality across different browsers and devices
  • File-sharing capabilities across various operating systems
  • Video conferencing features on different network conditions
  • Integration with calendar applications and email clients

Software testing & debugging with TestDevLab 

I guess you know the feeling when the app doesn't work. Yeah, we hate that, too.  That's why at TestDevLab, we've gone a bit overboard with our testing services—in a good way!

Picture this: we have device vaults that look like a tech lover's dream. We're talking over 4,500 real devices. Smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, smartwatches, VR headsets—you name it, we've probably got it. And not just the high-end devices. We have everything from legacy and entry-level to the newest and top-tier devices and sometimes even devices that are not officially released yet. 

But here's the thing—having a bunch of gadgets is useless if you don't know what to do with them. That's where our team comes in. Compatibility testing is the bread and butter of our compatibility testing department. They've seen it all, from apps that work flawlessly across all devices and networks to ones that, well, let's just say they needed some improvements.

Whether you're releasing a brand new app or giving a facelift to your existing one, we've got your back. We'll test your application inside out, and by the time we're done, via close collaboration with your developers, you'll be confident your product can handle whatever scenario your users throw its way.

At TestDevLab, we are not just testing. We're rooting for your product and doing our best to ensure that your digital product is ready for the world and delivers the best customer experiences possible. Contact us to get started

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