7 QA Best Practices to Improve Software Testing in 2024

Person typing on laptop

A Quality Assurance (QA) process that follows best practices is essential in delivering top-notch digital products, meeting user needs, and avoiding costly post-release bugs.

So, the question is, what factors contribute to effective QA in 2024? This article delves into seven best practices that will elevate your software testing strategy and empower you to deliver exceptional software.

1. Ensure a balance between manual and automated testing

A successful QA strategy leverages both manual and automated testing. Manual testing allows testers to explore intuitive aspects of user experience (UX) that automation struggles with, like design aesthetics and user workflows, and customer experience. However, automated testing excels at repetitive tasks like regression testing, freeing up valuable QA engineers’ time for more creative endeavors.

Manual testing benefits:

Automated testing benefits:

When choosing which testing method to use, consider the following factors:

Factors to consider Automated testing Manual testing
Type of test cases Suitable for repetitive, stable, and high-volume test cases. Examples include regression tests, load tests, and smoke tests. Ideal for test cases that require human judgment, intuition, and creativity. This includes exploratory testing, usability testing, and ad-hoc testing.
Complexity Works well for complex test cases that are well-defined and involve extensive data sets or multiple configurations. Better suited for complex scenarios that require understanding user interactions, visual inspections, and scenarios with undefined behavior.
Test frequency This is best for tests that need to be executed frequently, such as nightly builds, CI/CD and regression tests. Suitable for tests that are executed infrequently or only once, such as initial functionality tests for new features.
Test stability Requires stable and predictable test cases. Frequent changes in test cases can lead to high maintenance costs for automated tests. Flexible and adaptable to changes, making it suitable for rapidly evolving test cases and early development stages.
Timeline and budget The initial setup and development of automated tests can be time-consuming and costly. However, they provide long-term savings in execution time and resources. Faster to set up initially but can become more costly over time due to the need for human resources.
Resource availability and skill set Requires skilled resources familiar with automation tools, scripting languages, and framework development. Requires testers with strong analytical skills, domain knowledge, and the ability to execute and document test cases effectively.
Test environment Suitable for environments where tests can be executed without manual intervention, such as CI/CD pipelines, virtualized environments, and cloud-based testing platforms. Necessary for environments that require physical device interaction, user acceptance testing (UAT), and real-world user conditions.
Regression testing Highly effective for regression testing, where tests are run frequently to ensure that new code changes do not break existing functionality. Less efficient for regression testing due to the repetitive nature and volume of tests required.
Human factors Lacks the ability to understand subjective aspects like user experience, aesthetics, and emotional responses. Essential for evaluating customer experience, aesthetics, and other qualitative aspects that require human judgment.
Data management Efficient in handling large volumes of test data, data-driven testing, and scenarios that require precise and repeatable data setups. This is useful for scenarios requiring unique data inputs, one-time configurations, or complex data manipulations that are challenging to automate.
Risk management It is preferred for critical test areas where the impact of defects and bugs is high, ensuring comprehensive coverage and consistency. Suitable for less critical test areas or where the cost of automation outweighs the benefits.

2. Choose agile testing methodologies

The Agile methodology is a project management approach that divides the project into phases and focuses on ongoing collaboration and improvements. Teams engage in a recurring cycle of planning, execution, and evaluation. This allows for faster feedback loops, enabling developers to identify and fix bugs early, leading to a higher-quality product.

Agile testing is guided by several key principles that ensure the testing process aligns with Agile methodologies and contributes to the continuous delivery of high-quality software. Here are the key principles of Agile testing:

Continuous testing

  • Testing is not a phase that happens after development but is integrated continuously throughout the development cycle.
  • Tests are executed early and frequently to identify defects as soon as possible.

Collaborative approach

  • QA engineers, developers, testers, and business stakeholders work closely together to ensure a shared understanding of requirements and goals.
  • Quality is a shared responsibility among all team members, not just the QA engineers.

Customer focus

  • Regular feedback from customers and stakeholders is incorporated to ensure the product meets user needs and expectations.
  • Testing is driven by user stories and acceptance criteria that describe the desired functionality from the user's perspective.

Incremental and iterative development

  • Development and testing are done in small, manageable increments, allowing for frequent delivery of working software.
  • Each iteration includes planning, development, testing, and review, promoting continuous improvement.

Automated testing

  • Automated tests are used to quickly validate changes and ensure that new code does not introduce defects.
  • Automated regression tests ensure that existing functionality remains intact as new features are added.

Adaptability to change

  • Agile testing processes are flexible and can quickly adapt to changing requirements and priorities.
  • Regular feedback from testing and customer reviews is used to refine and improve the product.

Test-driven development (TDD) and behavior-driven development (BDD)

  • Writing tests before the code helps guide development and ensures that each piece of code is tested.
  • Focuses on the behavior of the application from the user's perspective, ensuring that it meets business requirements.

Exploratory testing

  • Testers use their creativity and intuition to explore the application and identify defects that may not be covered by automated tests.
  • QA engineers learn about the application while testing it, allowing for a more thorough and insightful testing process.

Risk-based testing

  • Testing efforts are prioritized based on the risk and impact of potential defects, ensuring that the most critical areas are tested first.
  • Emphasis is placed on testing the most important and high-risk features to deliver a high-quality product.

Transparency and visibility

  • Regular meetings, such as daily stand-ups and sprint reviews, ensure that the entire team is aware of progress and issues.
  • Use of Agile artifacts like burndown charts and Kanban boards to track testing progress and identify bottlenecks.

Continuous improvement

  • Regular retrospectives are conducted to reflect on what went well, what didn't, and how processes can be improved.
  • Teams continuously learn from their experiences and adjust their processes to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

End-user focus

  • Testing ensures that the product delivers a good user experience, meets usability standards, and fulfills user expectations.
  • Tests are designed to reflect real-world usage scenarios and conditions.

Benefits of agile testing

  • Early defect detection. By testing early and often, defects are identified and resolved quickly.
  • Faster delivery of high-quality software. By continuously testing in short sprints, Agile allows for quicker detection and resolution of bugs. This leads to faster release cycles and ensures users get new features sooner. Here are 7 KPIs to keep in mind when choosing Agile development projects.
  • Improved responsiveness to change. Traditional methods can struggle with changing requirements, whereas Agile testing adapts well to these changes, as testing happens alongside development. This way, the software can evolve to meet new needs more easily.
  • Enhanced collaboration. Agile fosters a collaborative environment where testers, developers, and other stakeholders work together throughout the process. This improves communication and leads to a better understanding of project goals.
  • Focus on business value. Testing prioritizes features that deliver the most value to the customer. This ensures the software remains relevant and meets user needs.
  • Reduced risks. Early and frequent testing helps identify and fix issues early on in the development cycle. This minimizes the risk of major defects surfacing later in the process, which can be expensive and time-consuming to fix.
  • Higher quality software. The focus on continuous feedback and collaboration throughout the development lifecycle leads to a higher overall quality of the software.

3. Diversify your tests

Person on laptop and mobile phone

A diverse test suite ensures thorough coverage of different software functionalities and potential issues. Here are some essential testing types to consider:

Functional testing

This is the bread and butter of testing, ensuring the core functionalities of the software work exactly as intended according to the requirements. Imagine it as checking off each feature on a grocery list to make sure they're all there and working properly.

Non-functional testing

This goes beyond the specific features and dives into how well the software operates in general. It encompasses aspects like performance (speed and stability under load), usability (how easy and intuitive it is for users to navigate), security (how well it's protected from vulnerabilities), and compatibility (how well it works with other systems and devices). Think of it as testing the overall user experience and making sure the software runs smoothly behind the scenes.

Usability testing

This type of testing focuses specifically on how users interact with the software. Here, testers act like real users and explore the software, identifying any areas that might be confusing or difficult. It's like inviting people to try out your kitchen and seeing if they can find all the pots and pans, or if the layout makes sense for cooking. Sometimes usability testing is confused with UX or accessibility testing but there are some clear differences. 

Security testing

Security testing, which includes penetration testing, looks for weaknesses in the software's defenses that could be exploited by attackers. Testers with security expertise try to break into the software, just like a security guard would try to find vulnerabilities in a building's security system.

Performance testing

This test evaluates how the software behaves under pressure. Here, testers simulate real-world scenarios with heavy user loads or large amounts of data to see if the software remains stable, responsive, and performs well. It's like taking your car on a test drive on a busy highway to see how it handles traffic and maintains speed.

By incorporating these different testing types, you can ensure your software is not only functional but also user-friendly, secure, and performs well under various conditions. This comprehensive approach leads to a higher quality software product that meets the needs of your users.

4. Optimize your QA process with the right metrics

Effective QA is more than just running tests; it's about strategically measuring and analyzing key areas to ensure a high-quality software product. Here are some essential QA metrics to consider:

Test case coverage

This metric, expressed as a percentage, indicates how comprehensively your test cases address the software's functionalities. A high test case coverage signifies a thorough testing approach, reducing the likelihood of undiscovered issues.

Defect detection rate

This metric reflects the effectiveness of your testing efforts in identifying bugs. A higher defect detection rate indicates your QA team is adept at uncovering potential problems before they reach users.

Defect escape rate

Ideally, you want the defect escape rate, the number of bugs that slip into production, to be as low as possible. A low defect escape rate signifies a robust QA process that minimizes the risk of encountering issues in the released software.

Mean time to resolution (MTTR)

This metric measures the average time it takes to fix a reported bug. A lower MTTR indicates a streamlined process for addressing and resolving identified issues, ensuring a quicker response to potential problems.

By monitoring and analyzing these QA metrics, you gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your testing strategy. This allows you to identify areas for improvement, optimize your QA process, and ultimately deliver high-quality software that meets user expectations.

5. Focus on writing powerful test cases

High-quality test cases are the foundation on which effective testing is built. Well-crafted test cases act as a roadmap, guiding testers through specific scenarios to evaluate the software's functionalities. Here are the hallmarks of powerful test cases:

Clear instructions

Describe the functionality being tested in precise detail, leaving no room for misinterpretation.  Outline the exact steps a tester needs to follow and the expected outcome for each test.  This clarity ensures everyone involved understands exactly what's being tested and what constitutes a successful test run.


Imagine multiple testers running the same test case and getting different results. Not ideal. Effective test cases are repeatable, meaning they should yield consistent results regardless of who executes them. This ensures the test's reliability and minimizes the chance of variations due to misunderstandings.


Each test case should have a clear link back to the specific requirement it addresses. Think of this as a traceability matrix—a map that shows the connection between functionalities being tested and the overall software specifications. This ensures comprehensive coverage of your software's requirements and eliminates the risk of overlooking crucial areas.


Software development is a dynamic process, and your test cases need to be adaptable.  Features evolve, functionalities change, and new requirements emerge. Well-written test cases are easy to update and modify to accommodate these changes. This maintainability keeps your testing strategy relevant and effective throughout the software's lifecycle.

By embracing these principles, you can craft powerful test cases that empower your QA team to perform efficient and comprehensive testing. This leads to the identification and rectification of issues early in the development process, ultimately contributing to the delivery of high-quality software.

6. Conduct regular self-assessments

Woman sitting at desk writing in a notebook

Just as a physician evaluates a patient's health through regular checkups, regularly evaluating your QA process is crucial for ensuring the health of your software. Self-assessments provide valuable insights into areas that need a boost and keep your QA strategy adaptable to changing needs. Here are some key areas to focus on during these checkups:

Test case coverage and efficiency

Analyze the comprehensiveness of your test cases and identify any gaps in functionality coverage. Look for opportunities to streamline your test suite by eliminating redundant tests or optimizing existing ones for better efficiency.

QA engineers’ skills and knowledge gaps

Assess the skill set and knowledge base of your QA team. Are there areas where additional training or professional development could be beneficial? By identifying these knowledge gaps, you can equip your team with the necessary skills to stay ahead of the curve and address emerging challenges.

Communication and collaboration within the development team

Effective communication and collaboration are instrumental for a successful QA process. Evaluate how well information is shared and how different teams work together. Look for ways to improve communication channels and foster a collaborative environment where developers and testers work in sync to deliver high-quality software.

7. Document everything

Comprehensive documentation is the cornerstone of a successful QA process. It serves as a vital reference point for QA engineers, testers, developers, and other stakeholders, ensuring everyone is aligned with the testing goals and strategies. Here are some key areas to document:

Test plans

These documents outline the overall testing roadmap, detailing the testing approach, scope, resources required, and timelines. A well-defined test plan provides a clear understanding of what will be tested, how, and when.

Test cases

Detailed descriptions of individual tests are documented here. Each test case should clearly specify the functionality being tested, the steps involved in execution, the expected outcome, and any relevant data requirements. This documentation ensures consistency in testing procedures and reduces the risk of errors or misinterpretations.

Test scenario

Test scenarios paint a detailed picture of how users might interact with the system, covering a wide range of use cases. This comprehensive approach often involves input from various stakeholders to ensure that no detail or process gets overlooked. 

You might be interested in: Test Case vs. Test Scenario: What’s the Difference?

Bug reports

Whenever a bug is identified, a comprehensive bug report should be created following best practices. This report should document the issue in detail, including steps to reproduce the bug, screenshots or screen recordings for visual reference, and its severity level. Effective defect reporting facilitates efficient communication between testers and developers, ensuring bugs are addressed and resolved promptly.

Standardized procedures

Standardized procedures for testers to follow should be clearly documented. These guidelines can encompass best practices for test case creation, test execution, defect reporting, and communication protocols. Having these guidelines readily available promotes consistency within the QA team and ensures everyone adheres to the established processes.

Additional documentation

Beyond these core elements, consider documenting other aspects like test environment setup procedures, user guides for testing tools, and traceability matrices that link requirements to specific test cases.

Clear and detailed documentation offers a multitude of benefits. It ensures consistency in testing practices across the team, reduces the time spent on knowledge transfer for new members, and facilitates future audits or regulatory compliance by providing a clear record of the QA process followed.

Key takeaways

By adopting these best practices, you can significantly improve your software testing efforts. Remember, effective QA is not just about identifying bugs; it's a proactive strategy that safeguards software quality, mitigates risks, and fosters a culture of continuous improvement. A well-executed QA process empowers you to deliver high-quality software that exceeds user expectations, strengthens customer trust, and positions your product for long-term success in today's ever-evolving technological landscape.

Want to streamline your QA process and improve your software testing efforts? We can help. Contact us to learn more about our software quality assurance services and how it can benefit your project.

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